
Keynote Speaker

“Dystrophin Expressing Chimeric (DEC) Human Cell Therapy for Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy” – Prof. M. Siemionow (University of Illinois, Chicago)

Session –  New frontiers in cardiovascular basic research

“Annexin A1 and A5 in the resolution of inflammation in cardiovascular disease” – Prof. Chris Reutelingsperger (Maastricht University)

“Exosomes and microvesicles in repair of injured heart – a new approach” – Dr hab. Ewa Zuba-Surma prof. UJ (Jagiellonian University Medical Collage)

” Extracellular vesicles to treat diastolic dysfunction and revert senescence” –
Lilian Grigorian (Laboratorio de Investigacion Traslacional en Cardiología, Spain)

Session –  Cell-based Myocardial Regeneration Strategies: Clinical Developments

“European Alliance for Cardiovascular Regenerative Therapies” – TACTICS – Prof. Francisco Fernadez-Aviles (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

“Evolution of Cell-based Myocardial Regeneration Strategies: From Autologous Bone Marrow Cells to Standardized Allogenic Off-The -Shelf Products” – Speaker  – TBC

“Challengies in Cell Labelinig to Determine Myocardial Uptake and Cell Fate: Animal Models vs. Human Studies” – Wojciech Szot

“WJMSCs Application in Acute Myocardial Infarction in Man: Outomes in the Pilot Cohort and Randomized Study Design” – Dr hab. n. med. Piotr Musiałek prof. UJ (The John Paul II Hospital, Krakow)

Session –  How to prepare for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products production

“Safety aspects and safety assessment of cell therapies for cerebrovascular disorders: focus on MSCs” – Prof. Johannes Boltze (Fraunhofer Research Institution for Marine Biotechnology and Cell Technology, Germany)

“How to prepare for a clinical trial of ATMP – own experience” – Prof. dr hab. Marcin Majka (Jagiellonian University Medical Collage)

Session –  Regulatory aspects of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products registration

„News in respect to manufacture and approval of ATMPs: GMP, EMA’s action plan, incentives for small laboratories” – Ludwik Jujeczka  (Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland)

“Commercialization of research results from Academic perspective” – Krystian Gurba (Centre for Technology Transfer CITTRU Jagiellonian Univesrity/deputy director)

page2image3789824„Legal challenges of stem cells therapies and patents – case study” – Dr r. pr. Joanna Uchańska (Law Firm Traple, Konarski, Podrecki i Wspólnicy)

Session –  Modern technologies in MRI

“Chemical exchange saturation Transfer in Monitoring Cancer Therapies” – Prof. Greg Stanisz (University of Toronto, Canada)

“Diffusion MRI – principles and current methods” – Dr Franciszek Hennel (ETH Zurich, Universitat Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Switzerland)

“Quantitative MRI of spinal cord tissue” – Prof. Piotr Kozlowski (UBC MRI Research Centre, Vancouver, Canada)

“Commercialization of medical devices – scientist’s perspective” – Prof. Boguslaw Tomanek (University of Alberta, Department of Oncology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

“Development of novel MRI methods for quantitative assessment of regenerative potential of WJMSC in heart and skeletal muscles” – Dr hab. Artur T. Krzyżak (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)

Session – The past, present and future of clinical trials in cell therapy

“Non cell-based approaches to cardiac repair” – Prof. Kai C. Wollert (Hannover Medical School, Germany)

“New generation cell products for heart repair” – Prof. Jozef Bartunek (Associate Director at Cardiovascular Center, Aalst, OLV Hospital, Belgium)

Session – Best abstract

Session – Business presentations